Understanding Translation | Timescales

Posted on July 11, 2012 by Chris
It is always advisable to plan ahead when it comes to translation!
“If your company has its eye on markets abroad, get in touch with us straight away. And once you begin producing texts for translation, give the translators as much lead time as possible”
Also, be realistic when planning timescales for translations! Think about how many pages a translator can produce in a day. In order to help you appreciate how long a translation may take, think of how many words you could type in a day and then consider all of the extra work that needs to take place!
If you request a translation to be turned around too quickly you risk receiving a translation that is, at best, not as polished as it could be and, in worst case, is influenced by the source language. Can you afford for your image to be left in hands of a rushed translation?
Finally, please remember machine translation should never be used for quality translations!
For more information about any upcoming translations to ensure your have allowed adequate time to communicate the right message about your business please call +44 (0)1344 870700 or get in touch with us by emailing Network Languages >